Does Your Podcast Need A Video Component In 2022?

As you probably already know, video demand is increasing. From consumers' perspective, videos are the most preferred branded content on social media. Some podcasters waste a golden opportunity by not recording a video version of their shows. Approximately, only 17% of podcasters use video to record their shows. Most podcasters don't consider the potential of making a video version of their shows, opting instead to focus on audio-only episodes.

Producing professional-quality video requires neither an elaborate setup nor expensive equipment. Your webcam or even your phone can be used to make high-quality content. Creating a video podcast is now simpler than ever. What are you waiting for? Let's explore some of the most compelling arguments for including videos of any kind in your podcast.

What Is a Video Podcast?

In today's world, video podcasts are the dominant form of podcasting. Fans aren't only interested in listening to podcasts anymore; they want to see the dialogue unfold, to give them the impression that they're there in person.

The video podcast can be as basic as a real-time one-camera recording of the discussion; it need not be elaborate or high-tech. Some people don't even use live video but combine an audio recording with a still image to create a YouTube video.

The sole difference between a video and an audio podcast is that the former includes visuals while the latter does not. Including video in a podcast uses non-vocal cues such as body language, expressions, facial gestures, graphics, etc., and voice tone. While this approach to podcasting video content isn't for everyone, it's gaining popularity among podcasters.

Producing video podcasts can be done in several ways:

Utilizing static Images

Creating a video podcast with static images is the least complicated one possible. Record the podcast's audio, add a visual background, display it in a video editor, and save the resulting file as a podcast. Podcasters generate static video files not because they want to provide video content but so that their shows may be transmitted via video-sharing websites like YouTube.

Recording in a studio

Video podcasts can be recorded in studios with everything a creator needs, including cameras, chairs, lights, backgrounds, and microphones. Video podcasts typically record the entire guest conversation, making the program interactive.

Recording virtual interviews

Virtual interviews have been increasingly popular due to their convenience, low cost, and relative simplicity. With just one click, screen capture software may begin recording your entire online interview via Skype, Zoom, or Google Meet.

B-Roll Recording

B-Roll recording aims to inject brief video snippets, images, and unique phrasing into the video to make the podcast interesting and lively. This supplementary material is often generated by AI systems and is relevant to the podcast's subject matter. A podcast video might include, for instance, brief video clips about vehicles, along with some related photographs and headlines, if the host discusses exotic automobiles.

Why Should You Include A Video Component In Your Podcast?

Before committing to a video podcast, it's essential to consider whether or not it will be beneficial. While the podcaster's end aim will ultimately determine the best course of action, the following are some potential benefits of video podcasting to think about.

  1. More captivating and appealing

    When it comes to capturing the attention of your target demographic, few mediums can compete with the power of video. According to scientific research, because 30% of our brains are entirely devoted to processing visual stimuli, the human mind is far more receptive to visual content than pure audio content. This means that video podcasts can help you as a podcaster provide more value to your listeners and foster a deeper relationship with them

  2. Increases exposure

    With YouTube's user base of over 2.4 billion, the podcast will be exposed to a far larger audience. Including a video component in your podcast increases your exposure to many people who could become loyal listeners.

    Promote your podcast and attract new listeners by posting trailers, recaps, and teaser videos on your brand's YouTube channel. Keep in mind that when used as a search engine, YouTube thrives. Because of all the competing content, you should use teasers to catch users and then direct them to your website for the whole experience. In the long run, you can use this method to cultivate a sizable subscriber base through careful cultivation.

  3. Builds credibility and connection

    In the case of podcasts that well-known hosts and guests don't back, visual recognition can be an excellent method to gain listeners' trust. When people see the people behind the words they're hearing; they're more likely to believe what they're saying.

    Including eye-catching pictures in your video podcast can also boost brand loyalty. People are more likely to remember a host or podcast personality if they can see them. Brand recognition will increase in proportion to the degree to which your podcast host is already well-known to your target demographic.

  4. Excellent for social media

    The visual nature of most social media channels makes video a natural fit. Including visuals will increase your audience size and make your audio content more attractive to people who listen to it on social media.

    Most people who use social media are in a hurry, so posting films that take too long to get to the point is not a good idea. To get the most out of your efforts, try cutting episodes into smaller bits and posting them on social networking sites like Instagram and Twitter. These short videos are ideal for sharing on social media since they stand out in a feed and can be watched in a matter of moments.

    Select a thought-provoking or humorous snippet from your video podcast and summarize it into a short clip (between 15 and 30 seconds long). Your podcast's visibility will increase proportionally to the times it is shared.

  5. More accessible

    Podcasts that rely solely on audio may not be accessible to everyone, especially the deaf, the hearing impaired, and those who speak a language other than English. Providing subtitles for your video podcast will increase your brand awareness among this demographic and make it easier for them to watch your material.

    Closed captioning is a great way to ensure that your video podcast is accessible to everybody. You can accomplish this by using brief captions. Conversational fragments are typically two to three lines long and split into smaller sections to mimic the natural flow of speech.

    When you add captions to your video, it can help your search engine optimization. Google will also index the text file you use for closed captioning, not just the title and meta description. Here's a chance to increase your video's visibility in search results by including more relevant keywords.

  6. Keep viewers focused

    Considering that the typical person can only pay attention for eight seconds at a time, video podcasting is a great way to maximize that short time. Including captivating images in a podcast is a surefire way to get people interested in what's being discussed.

    According to Dr. James McQuivey, a single minute of video can convey more information than 1.8 million words. Therefore, podcasters can more efficiently and effectively communicate their intended messages using videos.

  7. Monetization

    Affiliate marketing, sponsorship, and other forms of monetization for audio podcasts are all good ways to make some money. When it comes to video podcasts, however, the entire production process has the potential to generate revenue, from pre- and post-episode interviews with the podcast's hosts to footage of the set's preparation and exclusive backstage videos, bloopers, and videos that were ultimately cut from the final episode.

    Fans of the show will love the videos and be willing to pay for them. In addition, those films can help affiliate marketers, sponsors, and referral program administrators earn extra money.

  8. Enhance audience engagement

    Video podcasting does more than only improve connection and trust; it also boosts listener involvement. Seeing is believing, so listeners can see podcast hosts' faces and engage with them directly; they often feel more connected to them than if they had only heard their voices. In addition, a podcast video made with properly picked photographs and video snippets attracts more viewers and encourages more participation from them.

Get the Most Out Of Your Podcast Efforts

The addition of video to your podcast could have a significant impact on your brand's affinity and reach with minimal effort on your part. Converting your next podcast episode into a video can help you reach a wider audience, increase interaction on social media, strengthen brand loyalty, and broaden your reach.

Adode Media Is Here To Take the Hassle Out Of Video Podcasting

Adode Media is your one-stop destination for helping you create high-quality video podcasts. Our podcast launch services include editing, providing show notes, managing guests, scripting, and scheduling episodes. We specialize in the production of podcasts, the development of multimedia narratives, and the formulation of unique identities. We have covered everything from creating an idea to promoting your finished video podcast. We produce high-quality content across multiple mediums, including podcasts and videos that will be remembered years after its initial release.


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